Wine cellar

The Renaissance part of Kaštieľ Kubínyi is hiding a cellar from 17. century. In past it was used not only to store wine; it got this feature during the latest reconstruction. The space is divided into two equal parts. The original atmosphere is enhanced by the original barrel vaults. You can observe also well-preserved original wooden formworks from the half of 18. century.

The unique space has a capacity of approximately 15 people. It can serve as ending of important corporate dinner or part of a teambuilding for your employees. You can rent our wine cellar – and we will be happy to help you organize wine tasting with our sommelier. Every single wine has passed through the hands of the mansion owners, who bring to Kaštieľ Kubínyi only high quality wine.

We cooperate also with these wineries:


Our goal is not only to provide exceptional gastronomy experience and quality services, we also try to concentrate on choosing the best wine for you. We are constantly expanding the wine card and looking for high quality wine. Every single bottle you find in a wine cellar or wine card has been honestly chosen by the owners of the mansion during their travels.

At the moment you will find in our wine card wines mostly of Italian and Spanish production, accompanied by Slovak and Austrian wines. Of course you can enjoy in our restaurant French champagne from the Champagne region.


If you decided to rent wine cellar for the purpose of wine tasting, please contact us. We will be happy to help you planning the event and we will prepare this occasion exactly according your needs.

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    Doplňujúce info


    - Celková kapacita ubytovania v rámci objektu kaštieľa je 26 osôb, plus prístelky. K dispozícii je pre vás 5 izieb v kaštieli, 6 izieb v dome de Adda a jeden apartmán pre 4 osoby.
    - Svadobnú hostinu možno usporiadať v reštaurácii, ktorá má kapacitu max. 60 osôb.
    - V prípade záujmu pre vás vieme usporiadať civilný obrad v anglickom parku.
    - Najbližšie katolícke kostoly (pre prípad katolíckeho sobáša) sú: Kostol sv. Trojice v pešej dostupnosti od kaštieľa a katolícke kostoly v Dolnom Kubíne.
    - Evanjelický sobáš sa môže konať v evanjelickom kostole v Dolnom Kubíne a Jasenovej, prípadne v artikulárnom kostole v Leštinách.
    - Podmienkou konania vašej svadobnej hostiny v našej reštaurácii je využitie nášho cateringu, rovnako aj konzumácia našich alkoholických a nealkoholických nápojov; okrem toho aj využitie služieb našej spriaznenej agentúry, ktorá sa postará o výzdobu priestoru. Výzdoba je zahrnutá v cene prenájmu. Hostinu si nie je možné objednať samostatne.

    Doplňujúce info


    V rámci ochutnávky vín vám vieme vyjsť v ústrety v otázke počtu ochutnávaných vzoriek i  cateringu, ktorý pre vás zabezpečíme. Celková suma je preto veľmi individuálna. Poskytujeme len riadené ochutnávky vín a to v našej vínnej pivnici, pre skupiny od 5 do 20 osôb.

    You will find us

    Mjr. Archipova 25
    026 01 Vyšný Kubín
    Slovenská republika
    49°11'06.6"N 19°18'27.1"E

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