Our story

Our main priority are first-class services. We would like to invite you to Kaštieľ Kubínyi, where you can experience wonderful and unforgettable moments in cosy and harmoniously furnished rooms.

At the Amalia Restaurant, you can taste international cuisine, where the emphasis is put on the seasonality and freshness of the food. Do not miss our seasonal gastronomy events with different chefs and cousines.

Excellent food should go hand in hand with excellent quality wine. Wines in our wine list were properly selected by the owners during their journeys in different European and Slovak wineries.

If you are interested in the history of the area and want to have a look into the interior of the historic mansion, you can do so during our weekend guided tours.



From renovation processes and materials, through furniture and equipment, to the highest quality ingredients in the kitchen.


Culture & art

We want the Kaštieľ Kubínyi area to become a cultural and art place. That's why jazz or classical concerts take place here several times a year.


Culinary experience

Our meals are prepared from fresh, seasonal and best quality ingredients. The wine you find in our wine card has been personally selected by owners.


Comfort & relax

You will find relaxed mood behind the gates of Kaštieľ Kubínyi. You can enjoy high comfort stay in our rooms, walks in our park or glass of wine in our lobby.


As we tried our best during the many-year reconstruction of the building, we want to do our best, when providing our services. We want our services to be first class not only in matter of accommodation, but also in the manner of top level gastronomy.


During the reconstruction we tried to preserve as much of the historical elements as was possible. We care about history and we tried to save it in the widest possible scope. You can feel also very family approach in our communication. At the same time, we want this place to have its own artistic spirit.

Spend magical night
in historical mansion.

Book your room now

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    Stlačením tlačidla Odoslať vyjadrujete svoj súhlas so spracovaním osobných údajov.

    Doplňujúce info


    - Celková kapacita ubytovania v rámci objektu kaštieľa je 26 osôb, plus prístelky. K dispozícii je pre vás 5 izieb v kaštieli, 6 izieb v dome de Adda a jeden apartmán pre 4 osoby.
    - Svadobnú hostinu možno usporiadať v reštaurácii, ktorá má kapacitu max. 60 osôb.
    - V prípade záujmu pre vás vieme usporiadať civilný obrad v anglickom parku.
    - Najbližšie katolícke kostoly (pre prípad katolíckeho sobáša) sú: Kostol sv. Trojice v pešej dostupnosti od kaštieľa a katolícke kostoly v Dolnom Kubíne.
    - Evanjelický sobáš sa môže konať v evanjelickom kostole v Dolnom Kubíne a Jasenovej, prípadne v artikulárnom kostole v Leštinách.
    - Podmienkou konania vašej svadobnej hostiny v našej reštaurácii je využitie nášho cateringu, rovnako aj konzumácia našich alkoholických a nealkoholických nápojov; okrem toho aj využitie služieb našej spriaznenej agentúry, ktorá sa postará o výzdobu priestoru. Výzdoba je zahrnutá v cene prenájmu. Hostinu si nie je možné objednať samostatne.

    Doplňujúce info


    V rámci ochutnávky vín vám vieme vyjsť v ústrety v otázke počtu ochutnávaných vzoriek i  cateringu, ktorý pre vás zabezpečíme. Celková suma je preto veľmi individuálna. Poskytujeme len riadené ochutnávky vín a to v našej vínnej pivnici, pre skupiny od 5 do 20 osôb.

    You will find us

    Mjr. Archipova 25
    026 01 Vyšný Kubín
    Slovenská republika
    49°11'06.6"N 19°18'27.1"E

    Open Google Maps